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The 2020 Certificate of Entitlement (CE) Exercise has started: Information for retirees and beneficiaries

29 June 2020

The 1st mailing of the 2020 Certificates of Entitlement (CE) is in the process of being dispatched. A total of 64,443 CE forms will be sent to beneficiaries worldwide via the UN mail and pouch services.

When can I expect to receive my 2020 CE form?

Taking into account that UN mail and pouch services are functioning at reduced staffing capacity and the fact that postal services in numerous countries are still suffering disruptions due to Covid-19, CEs will be dispatched in batches.

  • The first batches of 2020 CEs are being dispatched to those countries where postal services are currently functioning; beneficiaries in those countries will start receiving their 2020 CE forms over the coming days and weeks.
  • The following batches of 2020 CEs will be dispatched whenever postal services re-open in the countries where such services are currently suspended; beneficiaries in those countries will receive their 2020 CE forms over the coming weeks and months.

Please be assured that the Fund, together with the UN mail and pouch services, is closely monitoring the status of postal services worldwide so that CE forms are being dispatched as soon as that is possible for all countries.

In any case, as per usual processes, the Fund will dispatch a 2nd mailing of 2020 CEs at the end of September 2020, to all those beneficiaries from whom at that time the Fund has not, yet, received their returned barcoded CE form. We hope that by that time, mailing services worldwide have resumed their services.


Can I access my 2020 CE form online?

Effective 30 June 2020 most beneficiaries can access, view and print their 2020 CE form inside their UNJSPF Member Self Service (MSS) member-self-service/, under the DOCUMENTS tab.

This barcoded CE form is referred to as the MSS CE and is a valid CE form. Only beneficiaries whose benefits are being paid under the two-track/local track, cannot access their CE form inside MSS, in line with audit requirements.

You can return to the Fund either your 2020 MSS CE or the hardcopy 2020 CE that you received via postal mail; the importance is that the Fund received from you a duly dated and signed 2020 CE form that holds a barcode, as the barcode will allow the Fund to automatically track your returned CE form, which in turn will allow you to track receipt by the Fund of your returned 2020 CE inside your MSS under the PROOF DOCUMENTS tab.

How and when should I return the 2020 CE to the Fund?

A duly completed (dated and signed), barcoded 2020 CE form, should be returned to the Fund by the end of December 2020.

Please note that due to Covid-19 all UNJSPF walk-in client services remain suspended and CE forms CANNOT be dropped off in person at the Fund’s offices.

Wherever postal services function and the Covid-19 circumstances permit, beneficiaries are requested to return to the Fund the original, hardcopy 2020 CE form by pouch, postal or special courier mail, as soon as possible and before the end of December 2020.

However, the Fund understands that due to Covid-19 related restrictions beneficiaries in many countries may not be able to return the 2020 CE form to the Fund by postal mail at this time. In that case, IF by end of October 2020 the beneficiaries concerned still cannot return to the Fund their 2020 CE forms by postal mail, they should please send to the Fund at that time an electronic copy of their duly completed, barcoded 2020 CE form; such electronic version of the 2020 CE form would have to be submitted to the Fund via the official channel of the online Contact Form, to which the CE form can be attached. Only this means of contacting the Fund via the online Contact Form will allow for accurate tracking of such submission and ensure that such electronic CE form will be added to the individual case file of the beneficiary.

Of course, the Fund will continue to closely monitor the impact of Covid-19 on beneficiaries and postal services in the world, to determine whether special measures will be implemented for the 2020 CE Exercise so that regardless of their location, UNJSPF beneficiaries can comply with the 2020 CE Exercise requirements.

We encourage all beneficiaries to closely monitor the Fund’s dedicated CE webpage, which we continuously update and where more detailed information about the 2020 CE Exercise is available. Additional, Covid-19 specific CE guidance is also available as part of the Covid-19 FAQ which you can access here.

Please submit any questions you may have via the official channels for contacting the Fund, i.e. the online Contact Form or other contact details provided on our Contact Us page.

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