• The UNJSPF at 75: Ensuring pension security for international civil servants since 1949
  • Attend the next UNJSPF pension townhall session!
  • Our approach to responsible investing
    As a signatory to the United Nations’ Principles of Responsible Investing or PRI, the Office of Investment Management (OIM) incorporates environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations throughout the investment decision-making process.

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  • Watch our educational resources. Over 20 educational videos and 11 pension e-learning modules are available
The UNJSPF at 75: Ensuring pension security for international civil servants since 1949

What is your situation?

Key figures

USD 95.32 billion

Value of the UNJSPF assets as at 31 December 2024 – unaudited preliminary figures. Weekly updated market value of the portfolio is available here.

of benchmark cases processed within 15 business days of receipt of documents (2024)
UNJSPF participants and beneficiaries as at 31 December 2023

News & Announcements

More News

Benchmarking study: UNJSPF outperforms peers on returns and cost

The UN pension fund continues to manage around 82 per cent of its portfolio internally and it is paying off. According to an independent study by CEM Benchmarking, a firm specialized in comparing investment funds across the world, UNJSPF outperformed its pension fund peers in competitive cost-effective investment returns.

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What to do in case of death of a retiree/beneficiary or your dependants

Please visit the following page if you need to inform the Fund about the death of a retiree/beneficiary or about the death of your dependents.

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A defined benefit plan

Established in 1949 by the United Nations General Assembly, UNJSPF provides retirement, death, disability and related benefits for staff of the United Nations and other member organizations. The UN pension plan is a defined benefit plan which is not dependent on the investment return or longevity. The past actuarial valuations have confirmed the Fund is fully funded.

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Blue Chair Icon
Retirement income is guaranteed
Icon of money and hand
Pension amount is based on earnings and years of service
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